Jen healed the crystal and all sorts of good things happened...
The world was reborn all green and shiny, Kira got resurrected, and the evil nasty Skeksis and the good peaceful Mystics got super-sonic-laser fused into new beings--who all looked like an elongated Bob Dylan from his Afro days decked out in white Christmas lights..
So, lets heal the crystal y'all.
...and then maybe things will get better.
Maybe then all the old mean white men will fuse with all the young angry gay men and make crazy glowing beings who vote for equal rights and see the world as a place to be shared--maybe they will join and become wise benevolent beings who don't vandalize property, don't send white powder in envelopes to churches, but calmly and firmly demand to live in a country where their lives and relationships are counted as equal ....
I am soooo in! I love your blog.
Yes. YES! I just love that freaky movie. I need to watch it again...come over!
Alright, that's it!! I can't be a quiet lurker any longer!
I haven't posted out of respect for your LDS readers, because my blog is about leaving Mormonism behind. I'm working through the grieving process and the frustration of living in a culture where my views are not so popular-- so my blog might be offensive at times--but in my heart, I sincerely don't wish to offend. In fact, I don't post on anyone's blogs where I can't remain anonymous (until now) because for the time being I prefer to keep my writing mostly private. However, I'm coming out just to say that...
Nathan, I think you are an amazing human being. I wish the world were filled with people whose hearts were like yours, who inspire hope and love unconditional. Your courage to live an authentic life and speak your truth, and the strength you have to accept others whose religious beliefs would deny your full happiness is remarkable. You are a forward and thoughtful thinker--already building bridges while so much is being torn down around us.
I so appreciated your deep understanding and enthusiasm for this year's election and what it means for humanity. I admire your patriatism. I resonated deeply with your poem--it made me weep. The pics and videos of your travels are so much fun. And you leave me hanging in anticipation to read more of Birthright.
(And I was a huge fan of The Dark Crystal--I must have watched it 100 times growing up.)
Anyway,I hope I don't overwhelm you. I'm sorry. It's just that sometimes I feel so alone in my longing and heartache to have this world be a place that is not divided, but would rather pull together in acceptance and LOVE. Thank you for your example.
(And btw, I'm going to admit that I'm not really too much of a stranger. We've met in the blogging world before--I used to blog under a different name. Last time I admitted I had a crush on I'm really sounding like a creepy stalker, aren't I? :S I'm really just a happily married woman with my youngest doing her best to keep me so busy that I can hardly string two thoughts together to get this post out...
Okay, I'll shut up now...
::Taking a deep breath while readying myself to click on that "PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT" button::
That dark crystal, for a minute I thought perhaps it was a figment of my imagination...but it is all coming back to me now...oh the pain.
I'm all about healing the crystal! And to Wanderer, I understand the loneliness of solitary longing and heartache. It's part of my journey, as it is for each of us, I believe. It is from this solitude that we begin to see the common threads which connect us all. Something like that. Jen had to walk the world alone to find true companionship and understanding, right? (fuzzy memories of Dark Crystal--I just keep hearing that mournful call of the Mystics) I don't know, but I find hope in the strangest places these days...
the dark crystal was the scariest movie ever!!!! love ya though...
I love the Dark Cystal. Guess what else I found Nate? I want to get it for you for Christmas--
Awesome!! Then I can convert it to a DVD for you. I don't think any one else in our family remembers. OH well...
at first i thought you were talking about, healing a crystal..i was so confused.
i have never seen the dark crystal, so i will just have to "read in between the lines" and say that what you propose is a good idea.
I miss you. I wish I could take my eye ball out and send it with you to see all of your adventures (that is from the Dark Crystal, right?). I hope that in the word there are no giant beetles that crumble, they are scary.
AND I want the world to be renewed!
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