Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I've been TAGGED!

THE ABC'S of ME!!!

for Allison Dawn Green Moschetti and for those of you who are not blogger freaks--this is a little tag game that's being played through out blogdom...

someone tags someone else and they have to complete this ABC's of me thing...which is an opportunity to talk profusely about one's self and all the singular things that make one so...singular...

Allison tagged me and now I am doing it and am going to tag others, but you won't know who those others are unless you read through this alphabetical list of things about ME!


Attached to Travis and A LOT of debt for the infinitely useful MFA degree I'm about to recieve from Columbia University....(so much in fact that its the first thing that came to my mind when answering this question and NOT Travis...this is sad, right? Why am I worrying about money above all else? Hmmmm....) Anyway-- Travis and Me!


Well, this is quite hard because I have never been able to honestly answer this question with out really listing like 15 people... yes, I am that luckly and tolerated by that many....

so here is the list in no particular order with explanations

(if you didn't make the list...I'm not sure what that means....ah, who am I kidding? Like 4 people read this)

Heather ( I live across the street from her and Matt and their children and see her almost everyday and have known her and Matt since I was 15)

Matt (above's husband)

My Dad ( he is the most like me...see the bit about worrying about $$$)

My Mom (she is the most unlike me...so we get along well)

Travis (of course)

Allison ( because she alone can pop zits in places that....its not appropriate for blogger land) (from what we are wearing in this picture you might think it was the mid to late 90's, but no....you'd be wrong...it was last year....)

Martha (my big sister because she actually calls me regularly and seems genuinely interested)

Matt Chappina ( my favorite Italian American from Massapequa, LI and a damn fine playwright and human being)

Cassandra Purricelli Chappina (above's wife and a better person and Italian American)

and a better picture of Cassandra because I want you all to see how beautiful Casey is, and not just how crazy she is AND it was another chance to post a picture of ME!

Heather Riggs ( also has known and tolerated me since I was 15)

all my brothers and sisters, who I will name later

and sincerely alot more and I am sure I have left someone off, but naming BEST friends makes me a little ill because there are soooo many who I am soo grateful for!

(please note that in most of these pictures, in addition to seeing an image of one of my BEST friends, you were also able to see another image of ME!!!)


Are you kidding? Anyone who knows me knows I'll eat ANYTHING, particularly cake AND pie and if they have representatives from BOTH of these factions I WILL eat BOTH of them....at the same time...and it is quite possible that I will eat ALL of them... BUT if I had to be pinned down to ONE of them I would and could eat THE CAKE OF NUTTY GOODNESS as prepared by Heather Anna Corrigan Herrick for the rest of my days....
'tis a pity I have not a picture of this sweet sweet fantasy dessert...


I've always liked Fridays....


My legs and a pair of good running shoes...

this is ME!!! beating someone at the end of the Cherry Festival a couple years ago....


Blue and Orange TOGETHER... last night I was playing with Mags and Cole and Margaret wanted to make fake pies (mmmmm) and this of course meant using the "pies" and "pieces" of pie from the Trivial Pursuit game... I made my tasty "fake pie" all blue and orange.... it was pretty!


See above expanation on cake or pie.... except I loved that Disney cartoon about Gummie Bears...well not so much the cartoon but the theme song.... "Gummie Bears bouncing here and there and everywhere, High Adventure thats beyond compare, They are the Gummie Bears!" You know you liked the tune, too.


(that's all you need to know about my indulgent side)


I'm very egalitarian and am able to see the merits of both these fine months...I love to snowboard and to swim.... (yes that's me in the Superman Speedo..... and Andy my bro, too....)


My own-no. But I sure do love these two and spend a lot of time with them! They are leaving for Utah tomorrow for Thanksgiving and I just got back from Europe so I'm a little sad!



(This is called the Triangular Theory of Love and it is complicated and I don't know what it means--I found it when I image searched "love")

I like this theory of love alot more...


....in Sweden or Canada or Finland or Massachussetts or somewhere someday...


7! 4 brothers and 3 sisters! Martha, me, Andy, Sarah, Cathern, Bobby, Timmy and Peter... (now this IS the 90's...the Black Hills of South Dakota...1990 to be exact)


It's sixes of the one, half a dozen of the other...it's a slippery slope...teach a man to fish and there's no i in team...

BUT I love OJ! I love orange JUICE alot more than I like apple juice!


This is the Airbus A380--the largest airplane in the world...it can seat over 500 people--it terrifies me...

but thanks to this----I may be able to fly on it someday!!!!


Love one another as I have loved you...


So so so so so many....all of the things listed above and below make me smile...but recently this place made me smile the most...

This is ME!!! in Helsinki, Finland



I!!! (ME!!!) I was born in late August just in time to welcome the fall on the shores of Grand Traverse Bay...


Heather Anna Herrick, Heather Anna Riggs and Kelly Jo Horner Worth! (Now you can stop reading because I've got to the tagging part)


Everyone knows everything about me--I can't stop talking about ME!!!!


Besides being very prone to procrastination and very prone to spend money on things that are only gratifying and not investment-based and being very prone to spend the day exercising or cooking instead of writing like a good playwright I am far to prone to talk about ME!!!


I had an x-ray when I was about 13 or 14 when Bobby (my borther of 5 at the time) tripped me and I broke my thumb....my mother, a very fine nurse, was convinced it was only dislocated and only took me to get it x-rayed when it became really painful (I may be exagerating--she probably took me right away)....it was broken and I got a cast...


Once again...refer to the cake or pie question... I literally will eat anything and enjoy it... but lately I'm really into getting a bowl and putting raw almonds, walnuts, raisons, a little raw instant oatmeal, honey and some milk in it and eating it!


Virgo the virgin...yes... (hey it kinda looks like Mariah...my indulgence) I just read that Virgos are supposed to be the critics of the Zodiac....that may be true but there is one thing I will never criticize....


So, those are the ABC's of me...and what is the lesson learned?

Never Nudge Nathan toward an opportuntiy to talk about himself, especially in a forum such as this where photographs are involved!

I look forward to reading and seeing the ABC's of those I tagged!


Herrick said...

This is great. But kind of scary that you posted this at 7:12 am. How early did you get up to put this together by 7:12 am? Appreciated, none the less.

Nathan said...

Like at 6:30 am

martha corinna said...

That picture of our family in SD is freaky. I look like a demented spirit who just mystically appeared in the photo. Kind of like the ghost photos that were showing up on blogs on Halloween.
Other then that, it was interesting. That last picture would do well in Men's health, Brad thinks they put gratuitous pictures of men in it for the non heterosexual.

martha corinna said...

I don't think I get the Mariah Carrey picture.

Nathan said...

LOL. Mariah Carey is something we all should indulge in every once in a while... I mean look at how she pulls off that bikini... right?

just jen said...

very funny and very handsome...

Heather Anna said...

I don't know when I will be able to respond to this tag . . .but I will. Thanks for putting me first on your list of best friends. I mean, I know you said in no particular order . . .but I know the truth ;-)

Mrs. Misses said...

Thank you for humoring me, but secretly, I know we just love to talk about ourselves. That's why I really wanted to do the tag, even though the person who tagged me said Alison and it totally could have been someone else. I'm not sure a best friend should qualify because she can pop THOSE kinds of zits, but I'm happy to be there, for whatever reason. And PS, I LOVE that I already knew 95% of those things and that you haven't changed too much being hundreds of miles away from ME. I LOVE YOU!!!

Cottonia said...

Pretty funny! Did that South Dakota thing really happen? It seems like another life...and SO many children. And on that last picture, were you concentrating on rock climbing or flexing your bicep! Thanks Nate,.

Kelly Jo said...

You tag me and I don't even make the list of friends. . .sigh. . .tears. . sigh. . .lol, j/k!!
About the OJ thing, remember when I left OJ on your car with a poem nonetheless?! Love it, love it!

Lindz said...

You are so funny. I think a lot of people love to talk about themselves. You look very handsome in the pic above x-ray. I loved the nostalgic pic's. Sounds like you have a lot of fun going all over the world.
ps Mariah is hot!