This is a picture taken from the plane--either during the flight to Minneapolis from Columbus, Ohio or during the flight from New York to Columbus(I will explain why I am in Columbus presently)....I don't always have a clear memory after flights these days. The xanax has allowed me to become quite comfortable with flying--even to the point of peacefully enjoying the views the experience at 30,000 ft. provides--but I don't always remember that experience SUPER clearly. I love flying now. I love to be able to be somewhere so new so fast and I love seeing the world like that...I particularly love seeing the large cities as we land--I'd like to take pictures of those cities, but the cities are generally in such proximity to the airports that by the time the city is in view from my 3"x 5" window the head flight attendant has announced that "ALL electronic devices must now be placed in the off position." ALL electronic devices! I was trying to take a great shot of the Chicago skyline with my beloved Lake Michigan beyond as we descended into O'Hare when the otherwise pleasant blonde attendant snapped "Sir, you HAVE to turn that off NOW!"
GEEESH! (Maybe my memory is pretty clear)
So, here is one shot...more a little later
So, I flew to Minneapolis!
It was VERY cold. But being there was really fantastic. Its been nearly 8 years since I've been to "the cities", as Mpls/St. Paul were always referred to in my northern Minnesotan youth.
As you may know, I began working with a very exciting theatre company, known as the TEAM, as an Artistic Associate (writer/collaborator) last year. And ostensibly, it was work with the TEAM that brought me to "the cities". The TEAM's latest show was having a run at the new Walker Arts Center Theatre and we were also taking the opportunity to spend some time working on the current, in development, play ARCHITECTING, which I am helping to write and so blah blah blah....I came to Minneapolis (most of you who are reading don't really care much about the specifics of my writing career--just that I am doing it, right? If I am wrong, please let me know and I will explain further about the exciting things happening)
So, I came to Minneapolis. It was very cold, and I was so often concerned with keeping my extremities from this cold, that I too often did not take my camera out... I am much more disappointed in my self than you are in me...
At any rate--I stayed with our great friends, Linda and Deb (of Old Mission, Michigan fame) who live in south Minneapolis. They, and their two daughters, Kylie and Allie, were SO helpful and generous. It was great to see them and spend time with them. They picked me up from the airport, let me stay in the topmost room of their beautiful home, even let me use their mini-van on Saturday night to go see my best friend from the Crosby-Ironton Jr. High days, Maggie! Or, more accurately and currently, Dr. Maglina Lubovich, Visiting Assistant Professor of English Lit. at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa.
I got to see her parents, Barb and Steve again. It was a great visit--always laughs with the Lubovichs...
I went to dinner with Maggie and her husband, Beau--a great guy from Duluth, who was born in Hibbing, Minnesota--for all you Dylan fans... in fact, Beau's grandma used to play bingo with Bob Dylan's grandma--or mom? At any rate, there's a connection there.
I say I went to dinner, but Beau and Maggie TOOK me to dinner. At a Russian restaraunt named "Moscow" and the food was reasonably authentic I must say. I had some great pelmini---
The food was good, but, of course the GREAT joy was spending the time with Maggie, Beau and their friend and neighbor, Lisa (?)--I feel like an ass for not remembering her name (your name if you're reading this) because we had some great laughs!
Its hard to explain just HOW good it was to see Maggie, so I won't try too hard.
Here's a stab at it:
I am always a little unsure of what to say when people ask me where I grew up. I spent my childhood and Jr. High years in Crosby, MN and spent my High School years and the next few in Utah...
So, seeing Maggie--doing all that laughing and recalling all those memories, albeit rather foggily--like coming off of xanax a little--helps me feel more confident about including Minnesota when I am asked about where I come from. Its not just that I have a past there and that Maggie reminds me of that. That is part of it, yes. But more so, its that being there with her, sharing bits and pieces of our lives, seeing the beautiful woman she has become, laughing with her parents and listening to their advice and genuinely getting to re-know Maggie a little allowed me to re-see myself as I was 16 years ago in the context of who I am today...
I did a lot of changing and growing when we moved to Utah, and thankfully so, but who I am and who I have become has so much to do with those years in Crosby...some of the best of which were spent with Maggie as my best friend!
The rest of these pictures are, conclusively, from my flights from Minneapolis through Chicago and back to Columbus.... see these last two are of the southern Lake Michigan shoreline--all blue and white with icy flows...
And lastly, the view I see right now as I finish off this blog from the 2nd floor window of an old restored farmhouse in Gambier, OH, where I am assisting my good friend, Molly Rice, who is also a Visiting Assistant Professor, but of Theatre and at Kenyon College...which is in Gambier, Ohio....which is where I am...right now!
Sometimes I get upset that you have other friends and a life outside of where I keep you in my memory.
Your parents still live in the house on 500 East and the soundtrack of your house is the vacuum. You are still crazy Nathan T and there you will stay. Even if you decide to tell people you are from Minnesota you are really from Family City USA. Viva la SCERA
here's another shout out for orem! come on! it's not that bad, right?
you are becoming a wordly playwright, and that is very exciting! all that traveling sounds very nice, it is always fun to reconnect with old friends, that is why i love to blog, i have found a lot of old friends that way. take care, and i hope spring comes soon!
ps...i meant worldly...not wordly, but maybe that fits too?
Very good Nate. I love living through your travels.
I differ from you when asked where I'm from. Of course, I did a few more years of living in Michigan and Minnesota than you, but I don't feel affiliated with Utah (besides the fact that I live here:). I feel like what has really composed who I am is found further east than the Rocky Mountains. I just don't really relate much to what is here. Maybe that would be different if I had spent my high school years here.
Finally Nate speaks!! I like you hazy xanax pictures...funny. I am glad that you got back to Minnesota. I wish that you could come out to Utah for an internship...ahhhh, wishful thinking.
Beautiful NTW. I am so happy you were able to reconnect a small part of your heart, namely, Maggie. What a beautiful person. BTW, it's Maggie, as in rhymes with saggy or baggy, in non-Minnesota speach. I can't imagine how fulfilling that was to be with her again.
Katie R's comment refers to our "There will be Blood" date we had a few weeks ago. A forever, cemented, version of what we thought when we were 16. Interesting, huh?
Love you Katie, if you read this!
I miss you. When do you come back?
Remember, we can't name the baby Nathana unless your here when she's born.
Love you.
Hey, I really want to meet Maggie. She helped make you what you are. I have to meet that person.
When can she come to NYC and complete the circle?
thanks for the post-reading about MN gives me a feeling of a dark and cold, dreary winter-oh kind of like what I experience here! Where is the SUN?!!!-Where is any GREEN?-there are no natural evergreens anywhere!!! You have to admit your normal Utah winter is pretty nice-all that matters to me right now is sunlight, which is so rare all of a sudden.
your blog title is very true...I have found you in the blogesphere and you seem very happy! I am happy for you! It seems that you are not too far away either as I live in Boston! Take care, Kylee Shields (a long lost old friend)
You are a great writer Nate.
you can be from Minnesota as long as you remember that like really began when you met me.:)
You are a great writer Nate.
You can be from Minnesota as long as you remember that life really began when you met me.:)
Another fulfilling and successful trip by NTW (I like how Matt refers to you as such). Thank heavens for Xanax, old friends and vicariously living through old friends who have the means and ability to travel so much. What would we do without them? That's why you must come to see me ASAP. I'm having a difficult time without you.
I'm very interested to hear what you're doing with your writing career. I've never known someone to complete as much schooling as you have in that field so I want to hear all about it. Maybe personally. Can you come over?
Not as exotic as Minnesota and Ohio, but you did take a day trip to Philly to see your old man. Hope that's not like the erased Nixonian tapes. You know I have a connection with Maggie too. It was great to see her picture and hear that she, and her family, are doing well.
I typed up a whole huge comment on Sat and I'm checking back and where is it? I must not have clicked publish....what is wrong with me?! Anyway, thank heavens for Xanax and old friends and friends who have the means and ability to travel so much. I can vicariously live through you and experiences all these fabulous places.
I want to hear all about your playwrighting because I haven't ever known anyone who was a playwright so I need to know what its all about! Tell us!!
Or just come over to my house and tell me personally! Yay!
That is so great Nate. I love your "flight" pictures and imagining you happy with the xanax on the plane. This is Angie not Seth. I am logged in as Seth and too lazy too change it. :)
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