I want to personally thank Matt and Casey for inviting me to participate today. It is an, lets say, odd and unexpected honor—one that I hadn’t thought much about—but I love both of you a great deal and am grateful and feel very blessed to be here with you.
Matt and Casey have asked me to say a few words. And luckily, I have just returned from my own brother’s wedding only days ago—so I’ve had marriage and love and family and friends on the brain. While at the wedding, my sister Martha and I had a discussion about how pervasive criticism of others is today—and most likely has always been.
Martha made a very good point about how little we know of the deep down details of what it means to be another human being and therefore, when its all said and done, we are quite ill equipped to be critical of another. Remember, this discussion is all taking place in the midst of a wedding reception--a place where the people gathered, ostensibly, know each other better than any others. We were all family and close friends—And, like today with Matt and Casey, we were all SO happy. So glad to be in each other’s company.
It made me think then that even in such an intimate and joyful setting, with so many who know me so well...I thought “ even here--I am still unknown completely, through and through to others, and they to me.” But knowing this, I was still in awe of how thoroughly happy I was in that moment with my family and close friends...And I asked myself why?
And then I thought of something a close family friend told me about her own marriage--she said it took her a long time to realize what marriage was—She said, it wasn't finding the person you wanted to be with--it was accepting the person you were with for who they are and loving them just as they are and then becoming better together
Today, with Matt and Casey, I find myself so humbled by how little I know right now--and so grateful for what I do know. I feel awake to how mysterious and unknowable another human being is, and enthralled by how simple it can be to just love others. How joyful it can and should be...
I think what a wonderful thing the idea of marriage is, the idea of two people, before family, friends and society saying I will take responsibility for this person. That two people, today Matt and Casey will say I will take responsibility for this unknowable being, I am taking responsibility for them. Unconditionally. Through and through, I accept them as they are, and together we will grow and become better.
This wedding should be an invitation to expand and extend this loving circle of responsibility for each other to all of those within our influence. To not criticize or find fault, but to just joyfully love and try to know what it means to be human. In the end, let us today, with Matt and Casey realize that love is great. Being known is a gift, being touched, being heard is a gift. To know another, to listen to another and to touch another is a gift we are all capable of giving. And today, Matt and Casey commit to each other and before all of us that they will try each day for the rest of their lives to give these gifts to each other.