Saturday, April 18, 2009

14 Little Lessons from Russia

1) There is a lot of gray area between loving someone and trusting someone; best to steer clear of the gray...

2) There is a fine line between being honest and fair with others and being cruel and insensitive with others; its worth it to find that line...

3) The Russian words for cruelty and toughness are very similar. (жестокость / жёсткость )

4) Watching out for number one does not preclude watching out for my fellows; precious few are those who understand this...

5) Looking for the good and beautiful in everyone I meet is still a worthwhile way to live; perceiving the bad and the ugly in them is also very worthwhile; being able to see all of it and not judge them for it is hard...

6) Listening to those with whom I categorically disagree can be fun; trying to learn something from them is hard, but worth it...

8) When you speak a language more often than the one in which your character was formed, your character changes; be aware...

9) No matter what the conservative and moralists may say--moral and cultural relativism is a reality; it is impossible to understand and therefore judge others and other societies by your own personal and societal values; that said--some societies just don't get it...

10)It is nice--more than nice--to have people near you who have known you for many many years.

11) It is also nice--but not so nice--to live somewhere where no one knows who you are, where you came from, and why you are who you are...

12) It is easier to be kind in a society where kindness is valued and where that value is reflected in a society's history, art, business and government; where is that society?

13) Listening to Diana Ross and the Supremes (or anything Motown-ish) and letting the beat move you on the Moscow Metro can make tough and cruel Russians smile...

14) It is 100% true that everything depends on me; it is also true that everyday there are a million and one variables that are completely out of my control; the paradox has the power to paralyze a man; don't let it...


alpineone said...

So shines a good man in a weary world.

Keep shining and sharing your light and lessons, Nathan.

Katie Riggs Hansen said...

I wish I had something profound to say... Just thought I would let you know I read and appreciated this

Hobie said...

Nathan, te adoro. There is not much more to say. You amaze me. Embrace the springtime.

cathy said...

It's soo good to hear you again. so your coming back to the states soon right? When will we see each other again? Whill you still be in Utah when I come out in June?

martha corinna said...

I think moving to Motown makes everyone smile. If you don't you have no soul.

I miss you.

Kelly Jo said...

love this. miss you. love you. how you're doing well.

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

I love that I have been on a subway with you and have seen you "move to some music" even though I didn't see it didn't happen in Russia. You made me smile just reading that, and all the other quotes, I can only imagine how many people you make smile in Russia too.

Anonymous said...

I love you. Thanks for your insight, I needed that today.

Nicole said...

So profound on so many levels...I knew I liked you.

Jake said...

Hi. This is Jake. So glad I found your blog. I enjoyed our interactions about playwriting at Weber State back in '05. Congrats on getting the MFA.
I'm fascinated by your comment about speaking in a different language affecting one's character. I've never considered that.
And I wonder if your 14th lesson is intentionally reminiscent of Tolstoy's philosophy in War and Peace about how a battle's outcome is achieved.
Well, hope to read more of your blogs in the future. All the best!

Meg McLynn said...

Took me 2 months to read this, but I am inspired to seek out the good in people in order to look out for #1 and recognize that honesty & cruelty can be treading the same line...

I love you. And miss you. And wish I could give you a hug. And get one back.

Crazy Lees said...

Hey YOU! I can not believe where the blogging world leads you! GOOD GOOD to see ya!

Seth said...

I love this post. I love your blog.