It has actually been a GREAT few days and I am sitting here while Travis packs for our 9:48am flight trying to get one last post in about our whirlwind trip...I won't spend lots of time relating the details of specific events
I do, however wish to say a few things...I haven't wanted this blog to be a place to be poetic or creative (I do that profusely and pervasively in another form) but tonight I might end up saying something that leans on the sensitive/poety side.
Really all I want to say is this: Martha and I had a mini-discussion at the reception tonight about criticism of others etc...
Remember, this discussion is all taking place in the midst of a wedding reception--a place where the people gathered, obstensibly, know each other better than any others.
It made me think that even in this intimate and joyful of a setting, with so many who know me so well... even here--I am still unknown completely, through and through to others, and they to me. Knowng this, I am still in awe of how thoroughly happy I am in this moment with my family and close friends... why?
And then I thought of something Scarlett Hanks Sobrowski said up at Old Mission this past week about marriage--she said it took her a long time to realize what marriage was--it wasn't finding the person you wanted to be with--it was accepting the person you were with for who they are and loving them just as they are and then becoming better together...
I find myself so humbled by how little I know right now--and so grateful for what I do know. So awake to how mysterious and unknowable another human being is, and enthralled with how simple it can be to just love others. How joyful it can and should be... I find myself (such an odd phrase to describe a realization)
I think in the end, what I realize is that love is great. Being known is a gift, being touched and heard and touching and listening and all of that is really great!
So I haven't had much sleep and thats why this blog kind of got super cheesy and how the pieces started to not stick together so well toward the end--but--hey--its just a blog.....
love and peace and hope and forgiveness forever!!!